Shanghai, China
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Shanghai Tower

Optimal Building completed the energy efficiency audit and final report for the Shanghai Tower, the tallest building in China at 632-meters (2073 ft.) as this 128 story mega tall skyscraper is truly a world class, high-performance building unlike any other. Certified as a LEED Platinum BD + C (Core & Shell) design, the Shanghai Tower is one of the most energy efficient and sustainable structures in the world. Having over 43 sustainable design features, the Shanghai Tower has committed to the recommendations of this energy evaluation and audit in pursuing additional operational best practices and strategies in continuing to reduce energy at the building. The Shanghai Tower, the 2nd tallest building in the world, ranks as one of the most cutting-edge, sustainable buildings worldwide being awarded China’s Green Building Three Star ratings and receiving the Award for “Best Tall Building Worldwide from The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH). CEES-Advisors has work alongside F.O.G Capital Asset & Management and the Shanghai Tower team in continuing its efforts towards high-performance building operations. The Shanghai Tower received the 2019 Global Building of the Year award by the Building Owners & Managers Association (BOMA) International

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